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中華航空永續報告書「重大性主題」調查問卷Survey on Material Sustainability Topic of China Airlines
中華航空永續報告書「重大性主題」調查問卷Survey on Material Sustainability Topic of China Airlines

中華航空公司 敬謝

Dear stakeholder,
To assist our stakeholders further understanding CAL’s practice of sustainable operation, CAL annually announces its Sustainability Report in both English and Chinese versions and the Annual Report will be published in June of next year. A comprehensive engagement with our diverse stakeholders is very critical for communication effectiveness and sustainability governance; hence, we would like to retrieve your feedback and comments on the purpose of upgrading and improvement of materiality via this questionnaire. Here, we heartily expect to realize your concerns about our operational performances and prioritize them into the disclosure topics of CAL’s Corporate Sustainability Report. For your kindly offer, we express our sincerely gratitude.
Stakeholders agree that this response to CAL’s questionnaire using by CAL in furtherance of its internal materiality analysis. The information that you offer will never be made available to any outside party.

China Airlines
第 1個區段,共 1 題

1. 請問您為中華航空的?(必填)1. Please indicate your relation with China Airlines.
員工 Employee
投資人 Shareholder
夥伴(供應商及承攬商) Partner (Supplier or business contractor)
媒體 Media
客戶 Customer
政府 Government
公協會(含航空組織) Public Association (including aviation organizations)

第 2 個區段,共 30 題
填寫範例 How to fill out
請您依說明,判定下列各主題對您,以及您認為對整體社會的影響程度為何?Please follow the explanation below to determine the extent to which the following topics, in your option, impact you, the society?
範例 Sample
飛航安全管理 Flight Safety Management。運輸零飛安事故是創造客戶永續價值的基礎 Zero flight safety accidents form the basis for creating sustainable customer value. 若您屬於利害關係人中之客戶,請您以「客戶」的立場思考每一個重大主題影響您購買決策的程度。如:是否會因為華航具有穩健的飛航安全管理,而影響您是否要成為華航的客戶?並請依照影響程度點選相對應的數字圓點。 If you represent a customer, please consider the role of "customer" for decision making. For instance, will it affect whether you want to become a customer of China Airlines because of the flight safety management? Please fill in the corresponding numbers according to the degree of influence.
填寫說明Explanation of filling out:
影響程度(程度分別為:0=沒有影響,1=有一點影響,2=有影響,3=影響很大)Level of impact (0=No impact,1=a little impact,2=impact,3=Great impact)

1.公共安全衛生 Public Health and Safety
COVID-19 疫情肆虐全球,旅運過程中及其前後的公共安全衛生防疫措施受到高度重視,乘客及地勤、空勤等服務人員均須具備適當的防疫裝備、防疫措施及正確觀念,共同阻止疫情傳播。As COVID-19 spread across the globe, public health and safety measures against the virus before, during, and after transportation are attracting a lot of attention. All passengers, ground crew, air crew and other service personnel must be equipped with adequate protective equipment and measures and correct knowledge of the virus in order to work together to keep the virus at bay.
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

2.飛航安全管理 Flight Safety Management
運輸零飛安事故是創造客戶永續價值的基礎。Zero flight safety accidents form the basis for creating sustainable customer value.
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

3.風險與危機管理 Risk and Crisis Management
風險管理位居企業永續經營關鍵地位,面對與日俱增的新形態風險,公司重視風險降低並提升危機事件的應變能力。Risk management plays a key role in our sustainable development. Faced with ever-increasing categories of risk, CAL is committed to reducing risks and improving our resilience to crises
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

4.營運財務績效 Financial Performance
追求營運財務績效達獲利目標為企業穩健經營的根基。The pursuit of profit through operating and financial performance is the foundation of our stable operations
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

5.勞資關係與溝通 Labor Relations and communication
維繫勞資關係的和諧為公司安內首務,公司致力加強與員工多元化溝通管理,打造平權與營造友善工作環境。Maintaining harmonious labor-management relations is a priority for Company. CAL is committed to strengthening diversified communication with employees and creating an equal and friendly work environment
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

6.治理與誠信經營 Governance and Integrity Management
健全的公司治理架構與良好的誠信管理,為企業永續經營的基礎。A robust corporate governance framework and sound ethical corporate management are fundamental to corporate sustainability
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

7.市場競爭力 Market Competitiveness
面對航空產業快速變遷與新興業者的興起,優化客貨運航網開發潛力市場並培養客源,善用整體集團資源,以維持市場競爭力。Faced with an ever-changing aviation industry and the emergence of new airlines, CAL optimizes our route network, develops potential markets and customers, and makes good use of group resources to stay competitive
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

8.隱私管理 Privacy Management
落實個人資料及顧客隱私之保護與企業聲譽和客戶信任度息息相關。The protection of personal data and customer privacy is closely tied to our reputation and customer trust
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

9.資訊安全管理 Information Security Management
隨著資訊系統普及化,持續精進資訊安全治理制度與強化防護能力,以符合國內外資訊安全法令法規,並落實於日常業務執行中資訊安全議題已成為首要管控標的。With the popularization of information systems, and in order to comply with domestic and foreign information security laws and regulations, CAL continuously improves our information security governance system and protection capabilities, and prioritizes information security control in daily business operations.
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

10.品牌管理 Brand Management
透過品牌管理,導入永續概念,對應於ESG三面向持續深耕,提升顧客的永續品牌感知度,使各利害關係人產生好感與認同,提升信任與忠誠度,進而驅動投資合作及消費選擇,形成正向循環。Brand management provides a direction for sustainable development and ESG cultivation. Increased sustainable brand awareness can lead to identification with a brand, trust, loyalty, and ultimately a driver of consumer decision making that form a positive cycle
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

11.氣候變遷減緩與調適 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
隨著全球氣候變化和能源消耗的加劇,公司善盡環境保護的責任與義務,積極參與及響應國內外氣候變遷倡議與溝通作業,持續精進與提升環保作為能量,降低對環境的影響,以持續改善之原則,強化氣候風險與機會辨識、量化、及改善方案管理等作業,致力深化企業碳管理作業與因應氣候變遷之營運韌性。As global climate change and energy consumption become ever-more pressing concerns, CAL fully fulfills our environmental protection responsibilities and obligations by actively participating in and responding to environmental protection initiatives at local and global and reducing environmental impacts. CAL implements continuous improvement in order to be constantly enhancing climate risk and opportunity identification, quantification, and management while strengthening our carbon management and climate resilience
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

11.1氣候變遷減緩與調適 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
請選擇下列何者為您重視的氣候變遷因應做法? (可複選) Please indicate the important actions responding to climate change you consider. (There may be more than one choice.)
執行溫室氣體盤查Conduct GHG inventory
訂定減碳目標或策略Set the carbon emission goal or strategy
提升飛航燃油效率Elevate the efficiency of aviation fuel
使用生質燃油Use the biofuel
評估氣候衝擊影響Evaluate the impact generated by climate change

12.乘客服務管理 Passenger Service Management
提供優質的產品與服務以貼近旅客需求,成為台灣首選航空公司。CAL aims to provide quality products and services, to meet passengers' needs and become the preferred airlines in Taiwan
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

13.機隊發展與管理 Fleet Development and Management
持續強化機隊體質及引進環保機種,布建高效率的全球航空運輸網絡,提升旅客搭乘舒適度與安全性。CAL continuously strengthens fleet quality and introduces environmentally-friendly models, to build an efficient worldwide air transport network and provide more comfortable and safer travel experiences for passengers
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

14.永續就業與人才吸引 Sustainable Employment and Talent Attraction
制定健全完善的訓練制度與架構,吸引及培養航空專業人才,並重視員工職能發展以促進永續就業。CAL establishes a sound training system and structure to attract and train aviation professionals; we value the development of employee competency in order to promote sustainable employment
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

15.職業安全與健康管理 Occupational Safety and Health Management
提供安全與安心工作場所,推動各項健康促進活動,降低職災率與施工風險,打造健康職場提高員工向心力。CAL aims to provide a safe and healthy workplace, promote a variety of health promotion activities, and reduce both occupational accident rates and construction risks to improve employee cohesion
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

16.永續創新與開發 Sustainable Innovation and Development
持續創新產品與服務,提供價值創造能力,以符合顧客對於科技化服務需求的提升。We continue to innovate in products and services, and provide value creation capabilities to meet customer demand for technological services
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

17.貨運服務管理 Freight Service Management
透過產品價格差異化及特殊貨物運送以優化貨運服務,提供貨運客戶優質的服務品質。We optimize freight services through price differentiation and special cargo delivery, in order to provide quality freight services for customers
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

18.永續供應鏈管理 Sustainable Supply Chain Management
強化整體產業鏈的永續價值,做好涵蓋上下游夥伴的供應鏈管理。CAL strengthens sustainable value for the overall supply chain by managing our upstream and downstream suppliers
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

19.綠色服務營運與永續餐飲 Green Service Operation and sustainable catering
綠色消費意識提升,透過推廣綠色消費,落實綠色採購,引進創新思維優化服務流程及作業內涵以減少用品及食物廢棄量及其衍生處理成本,並致力提升服務生態效益。With the increased awareness of green consumption, CAL reduces waste and derived processing costs by promoting green consumption and optimizing service processes while investing to improve service efficiency
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

19.1綠色服務營運與永續餐飲 Green Service Operation and sustainable catering
請選擇下列何者為您重視的綠色營運議題? (可複選) Please indicate the important green operation issues you consider. (There may be more than one choice.)
使用綠色設計產品Use the eco-friendly product
推廣電子化與行動化作業Promote the electronic operation
提高綠色採購比例Elevate the percentage of green procurement
環保化服務流程 Green service procedure operation mobilization
永續餐飲 Sustainable catering

20.人權 Human Rights
確保人權架構完整性,以符合國際人權趨勢,落實維護人權理念。We ensure the completeness of our human rights policies, in order to comply with international trends in human rights and to protect human rights
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

21.社會回饋與參與 Social Feedback and Engagement
回饋社會致力為社會大眾盡一份心力以創造社會價值是公司永續發展的重要承諾。CAL gives back to society, to create social value as part of our commitment to corporate sustainability
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

22.環境風險與營運效益管理 Environmental Management System Development
以生命週期之觀念,掌握組織營運前後環節,建構完善企業環境暨能源管理系統,健全環境治理與風險管理品質,杜絕環境汙染風險,落實目標與績效管理,致力提升整體營運效率與生態效益。We use a lifecycle model to monitor every process in our organization, construct a complete corporate environmental management system, and improve our environmental governance and quality of risk management for preventing the risk of environment pollution. We are also committed to practice goal and performance management for improving operational efficiency.
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

22.1環境風險與營運效益管理 Environmental Management System Development
請選擇下列何者為您重視的環境議題? (可複選) Please indicate the important environmental issues you consider.(There may be more than one choice.)
空氣汙染Air pollution
水汙染Water pollution
廢棄物汙染Pollution caused by waste
毒化物汙染toxic chemical pollution
航機噪音汙染Aircraft noise pollution

23.能源管理 Energy Management
落實企業營運2050年淨零碳排放目標,引進創新思維,持續精進低碳營運KPIs,致力提升低碳、節能與能源效率。We continue to move toward the goal of 2050 net zero and integrating innovation, also implementing low-carbon operations by focusing on energy conservation and energy efficiency management to achieve the KPI.
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

23.1能源管理 Energy Management
請選擇下列何者為您重視的能源管理議題? (可複選) Please indicate the important energy management issues you consider. (There may be more than one choice.)
建立能源管理系統Establish the energy management system
訂定節能目標或策略Set the energy-saving goal or strategy
使用再生能源Use the renewable energy

24.客戶關係與滿意度 Customer Relationship and Satisfaction
客戶的信賴與滿意度是公司持續成長最關鍵的驅動力,提供專業的服務是公司對客戶的承諾。Customer trust and satisfaction are the most important driving force for CAL's continued growth. Providing professional service is our commitment to customers
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

25.資源管理 Resource Management
落實「成本有效、效能提升、零浪費」原則,持續掌握內外場站作業環境及營運環節,持續優化企業環境暨能源管理運作,致力資源有效配置、運用,提升整體資源效率。"Cost effective, improved efficiency, and zero waste" is followed as a rule. We monitor the operational environment and processes at all stations at all times in order to keep optimizing the corporate environment and energy management and ensure effective allocation and utilization of resources
沒有影響/衝擊 No impact 影響/衝擊很大 Great impact

25.1資源管理 Resource Management
請選擇下列何者為您重視的資源管理(包含水、廢棄物或物料等)議題? (可複選) Please indicate the important resource management including water, waste or material you consider. (There may be more than one choice.)
訂立水資源管理目標與策略Set the management goal and strategy of water resource
訂立空中廢棄物管理目標與策略Set the management goal and strategy of infight waste and ground waste
第 3 個區段,共 6 題
基本資料 Background information

公司 Organization

部門 Department

姓名 Name

職稱 Position

聯絡電話 Tel

第 4 個區段,共 2 題
中華航空企業永續表現調查China Airlines' Sustainability Performance Survey

1.請問您知道中華航空每年有出版企業社會責任(CSR)報告書嗎? Did you know China Airlines publish Corporate Sustainability report every year?

2.請問您對於中華航空在哪個領域的的投入或表現最有印象? What dimensional aspect of sustainability China Airlines puts efforts are you impressive?
感謝您撥冗填答本次重大性主題鑑別問卷調查,謝謝。Thanks for your help.
若您有任何相關問題,也歡迎與我們聯繫,我們將竭誠為您說明。Please contact us ( if you have any comments or questions regarding this questionnaire.